P: 1300 880 582     |    E: support@hbsoftware.com.au

You have probably been collecting client information since the day you opened your salon. You might have years and years, worth of priceless data about your clients: the services they have booked, their personal up-to-date details, their preferences and more! But if your server was to fail, that could mean losing all your data automatically. In the past year, we know of a handful of salons that have experienced this situation and it’s not pretty.

Over and above hardware failures there has been flood, fire, theft and accidental damage that has caused the loss of valuable salon business data. Some of these businesses were not adequately backing up their system.

Some Major Impacts:

  • Loss of Appointment Booking information
  • Loss of Client Contact information

Cloud Backup, an automated insurance to protect your businesses valuable data.

What does Cloud Back up mean?

It basically means that a copy of all your database and information will be stored on an online server, so if that your drive was to fail, you could recover all your data almost immediately.

But I already back up my data…

What is the difference between the normal back up that you already do (or should be doing) at the end of everyday and the Cloud Back up?

It is a MUST that all salons do a backup at the end of the day into an external drive (USB stick, hard drive, etc.). This means that you must bring with you an external device to your salon every day, run the backup process, remove the external drive and take it with you for security reasons. As you might already know, there are a few inconveniences and risks about this process…

  1. If you are the salon owner but you aren’t at the salon every day, do you trust one of your team members enough to leave this task to them? Or do you want to put this responsibility on their shoulders? Not only do they have to perform the process correctly but they would also have to take the external drive home.
  2. You are storing all your data into an external drive, like a USB stick. What if you lost it, it broke or a virus corrupted it? Anything can happen to it, resulting in the loss of information.
  3. Let’s picture this. You are tired at the end of the day, you run the back up and you finally leave the salon and go home. You can finally relax and get some rest… only that you forgot the USB stick on the back of your computer monitor! In the worst-case scenario, there could be a fire in the salon and that would mean everything would be gone.
  4. You might leave your USB stick on your till draw, so that it is secure inside the salon. But in the case of robbery, you can imagine what goes first.

If you lost all your information including your appointment book, you can imagine the repercussion… Your staff would not know what appointments they have for the week, the client contacts would be also lost so you wouldn’t be able to call them to find out, clients would call to book an appointment and you wouldn’t know if you have availability or not because you can’t access the current bookings.

Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it? Stressed staff, unhappy clients, double bookings, and bad publicity for your salon…

Now, those case scenarios are unlikely or rare, but like any other type of insurance, it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry. If something happened to your computer, or salon, we could reach your cloud stored information easily and have a copy of all your salon system data stored on the Cloud restored quickly.

And the best part, all the work is done for you! The Backup is uploaded to the Cloud automatically twice a day. You don’t have to worry about anything, and don’t have to make your day any longer than what already is.

How can I add it to my salon?

If you are on a subscription with Hairware, getting Cloud Back up on your system would be as little as $3.80 per week on top of your current subscription fee.

Fill in this form to request Cloud Backup for your salon or give us a call at 1300 880 582