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Do you work at a salon and find your social media platforms dry and not driving traffic? Level up your hair or beauty salon with these top social media tips. Social media is an essential marketing element to engage and connect to your targeted audience on a deeper level. If you’re not getting the results you want, continue reading for tips to attract more customers and engage users using our top social media hacks.

Social Media Marketing for Salons

Know Your Target Audience

The key to successful social media marketing for salons is knowing your target audience and understanding what drives them. Consider what age group, demographic, region, your audience’s interests, and possibly interests. Once you have developed this knowledge, you can produce content and create posts that directly target your audience and which you know they’ll engage with. Further, it will assist your salon in targeting your Facebook Ads correctly and reaching many people interested in your service. Understanding your ideal audience, and different audience types will not only help with creating content for Facebook and Instagram, it will also help if you deploy Facebook or Google advertising.

Produce Valuable, Engaging Content for Your Salon

The key with social media for salons is to remember the social platforms true purpose – social platforms weren’t created as sales platforms, the content you post needs to be engaging, interesting, aspirational, informative, educational – do you scroll Instagram and like posts because they are telling you to shop, or because you find the posts interesting?
If you continually produce the same mundane content each week, your followers will get bored and gradually stop engaging with your account. It’s important to keep them interested by providing valuable content that stays on-trend within the industry.

There are various types of content you can create, such as:

  • Utilising stories
  • Creating reels
  • IGTV videos
  • Static posts and videos
  • Educational posts
  • Quotes
  • Behind the scenes content
  • Team/culture posts

By switching up the content each week and offering various posts, users will remain interested. Further, creating unique posts will catch people’s attention, thus sharing and saving your content and ultimately boosting traffic through your account.

Engage With Your Audience

Like, comment, save, and share, are all important elements in every day activity on social media. Engage with your followers, connect with them on a deeper level. You can do this by allowing your followers to ask questions on the question box on stories, make polls and utilise other story features to engage further with your followers. You can also ask questions or rhetorical questions in captions to entice people to comment. Reply to users that have commented on your content, demonstrating to them that you appreciate their support. Respond to your direct messages promptly on your social media platforms. Set a 15-minute time frame (can vary depending on how many you are getting) every day to respond to all inquiries on your accounts. Once again, it demonstrates to your audience that you care about them; thus, this will convert into them reciprocating and showing support towards your salon. When engaging on social media, remember to also engage with other brands and businesses, it’s a great way to show support and also increase discoverability.

Stay Consistent With Your Posting

To keep your audience interested and attract new customers, you need to be posting consistently. The key with salon social media is to post regularly, think a minimum of 3 times a week. Creating a social media calendar is a valuable tool to keep on top of what content needs to be made and published. Further, using a platform that automatically uploads your posts can be a time-effective way to stay consistent. Whether you pay for social media scheduling tools or calendars, or use simple free planning strategies, remain consistent. Try to spend one or two days a month planning all your content – doing it daily can make you feel tied to social media and increase your screen time making you less productive, so having one or two days a month when you plan out your content for the whole month can make managing your social media more achievable.

Use Transformation Photos

You might already be aware, but transformation photos are an essential element to use for salons on social media platforms. It allows customers to see what has previously been done and what the studio is capable of. From simple transformations to drastic differences, transformation photos perform very well on social media. The individual in the post will often re-share the content, providing free advertising for your salon to reach more individuals. It’s also a great way to show off your salon environment, your culture and your personality.

Advertise Promotions/Running Discounts

People love promotions and discounts, no matter how big or small they are. Posting what promotions, you have running at the salon regularly throughout your social media is an excellent way to drive more people through your platform, website, and salon. It will entice new customers to step forward and try out your service if they see a promotion running; it catches people’s attention. Furthermore, advertising a significant discount will spread through word-of-mouth to reach more new customers. Remember your salon does not also have to have promotions running, you are running a business after all and need to remain profitable – but you can get creative with promotions and offers to attract a new audience.

Promote Your Team Members & Culture

An often overlooked salon marketing idea is to get your audience to know your team members of the salon. Post content demonstrating what their specialty is and photos that give them credibility. Incorporating your team into your business’ social media is also a great way to encourage your staff to help create content for your platforms. Further, show behind-the-scenes content of them working, get them to speak on your stories showing their favourite products they use, or a get to know them post. It will allow the clients to connect deeper with the staff and possibly request specific ones for their next appointment, depending on their specialty. It also helps to build and show off your brands culture and personality.

Use Relevant Hashtags and Tags

Hashtags are an important tool for reaching more individuals relevant to your targeted audience. Find your niche and research specific hashtags to incorporate. Switching in new and relevant hashtags helps you reach more users and then more followers – don’t stick to the same hashtags in every post, the way the algorithms work it will end up working against you. Try to aim for 10-15 hashtags per post. In addition, when posting content, tag your salon in the location section so that users can click on it and locate where you are immediately. Also, tagging other accounts in the photo/video will potentially promote your business further. For example, by tagging the product’s social platforms in the content, the company may see the post and engage with it or share it to their account. Finally, tagging the products in the content using the shopping element will drive customers to your website to purchase the products themselves.

Are you ready to grow your salon social media?

Grab your phone and start creating new engaging, unique content that inspires your audience. Put these tips to work and watch your social media platforms fly. Social media will help your salon attract new customers, retain current ones and create brand loyalty through engaging with your audience on a deeper level. If you put these tips to the test, let us know how you go – Good luck!